Ghost Thief Magic Trick And Method -Tutorial

Effect The magician takes a tissue and puts a coin in the center of it. It is then rolled into a ball shape. Finally, the tissue is burned with no trace of the coin. It's gone! Preparation All you need to do to prepare for this trick, is gather the materials: First you need to get a soft material, like tissues. You could use flash paper, and I actually recommend it because it will make everything gone after you light it with fire. After you get that, all you need is a coin and some matches. Keep the matches in your pocket for now though. Method Place the tissue on the table, and then put the coin in the center of the tissue. Then roll the tissue up in a ball-like shape. Try not to layer the tissue around the coin too much because this trick will work better when it is easier to rip. Yes, the method of this trick is pressurizing the coin through the tissue. So, while making the tissue into a ball, secretly push the coin through the tissue, and conceal it in your hand. Now, you have the coin in your hand, but how will they not see it? Easy. The tissue is already in a ball, so all you need to do is burn it. Reach in your pocket for the matches, and drop off the coin, so it is gone for good. Get the matches and burn the tissue. Through the ashes, the spectators will find nothing. Nothing in the ashes, and nothing in your hands. For this trick, I recommend to use a ghost patter. Start out by talking about a magical ghost. A ghost that goes around the city scaring people. The ghost also liked to steal coins. When the town's people got together, they decided to get rid of the ghost, so they set many traps. They tried to catch the ghost many times, but they always missed the ghost. When the ghost was finally trapped by fiery flames, it disappeared forever, with all the treasure it collected.
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Submitted By: MinuteComedy
Tags: Magic Criss Angel Angle Criss David Blaine Ghosts Thieves Hats Fire Coin Tricks Method Revealed Tutorials Teachers Magicians Palming Fingers Breaks Sleight Of Hands Illusions Ellusion Free Pocket Tables Illusionists Vanish Multiplication Money Streets Bar
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